Artist Ta Byrne lives in Koh Samui, Thailand and is best known for her unique figurative paintings. Her art style is fun and vibrant, featuring cartoonish, humorous characters such as her iconic ‘egg people.’ When describing the characters in...
Zatista’s online art gallery is home to artwork created by talented artists from around the world. In fact, our collection is home to pieces from over 50 countries, spanning across all six continents. Each continent, country and region brings...
American abstract artist Dan Louth describes his art style as eclectic. Based out of San Francisco, California, he creates acrylic and oil paintings that explore varied color palettes and textures. From Engineer To Artist Dan Louth has spent most...
Why collect original art? Choosing to buy an original painting for your art collection means that you’re directly supporting a working artist and their career. You also get to own one-of-a-kind art, which comes with its own unique backstory....