If you had to guess, would you say most people hang art too high, too low or just right? How about in your own home, is your art hung too high, too low or just right? A great rule of thumb for hanging art is to hang 57″ on center above the floor.
If you’re grouping art or hanging multiple pieces, then the center line of the overall measurement of the group of pieces (including spacing) would be at 57″ above the floor. In my opinion, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Let’s say you are hanging artwork over an entry table or console, in this case you’ll want the artwork to hang 6-12″ above the table, depending upon the size of the art.
If that piece you wanted to hang over the entry table has to be 24″ above the table just to hit eye level, then the piece is too small for that location. Sure, rules are made to be broken and there are lots of creative and unconventional ways to hang art. But this is a good place to start!
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